Sunday, August 21, 2011

Even Silence is the Greatest Music…!!

My lexis of Ghazal,

I want to name u as “Lighting” you know. Sometimes you come so close with me & just abscond without a word. I know you have watched Tom Hanks Forrest Gump. I live like that Character. For me there is nothing great in this world then you. But you the lightning as I said; I am not possessive about anything in this world. About you quite exceptional because I don’t love my life but I love you. You are my sun, moon, star, earth, bread, butter & salt. I can be without anything But I do not have guts imagine anything beyond you. You are my last hope for life. It’s not to express in words. I am weak in vocabulary as you know. I do not want to limit my love in just three words of English.
I know you are brave enough to enjoy your life. I am a coward compared to you. I am not a jolly going guy; I do not enjoy life much. Yes I am sticky as you said &you definitely know what I am. I cannot leave you like this. You made me to continue this shit writing again. I live for you; my love is just for you; my tears are for you; my heart is burning just to see you. Life has provided a small book to record the things. My problem is that it’s already filled by your memories & desires to get you. You are my question, you are my answer, you present in every thought, you my heart, my sight, and you are here, there & everywhere.
I am lone here; No friends, nothing else. Just I and music; that bugger Mohammad Rafi makes me to remember you all the time & I love him because of it. Every Ghazal makes me to feel you. I was thinking how these people converted love & feelings to words. It’s surprising that they have expressed what I failed to do as of every word I hear is just written for me. Even silence is also the greatest Music with your commemoration. Everything starts with dream, but me; I live with it. There is nothing in this writing except remembering you & I would have expressed in just two words.
We should not expect happy endings in every story and it never happens too. You know how I treat you; I am telling you again… Do not forget this fool. Be in touch.

Without you,
Your Adherent Adore

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I know you love rain but...

My Lady Love,

I want to wish you Happy Birthday first. Let all gods of every religion on this world wish you a wonderful life with peace & prosperity. I am sorry I didn’t wish you for your last Birthday till the Eve. But circumstances were different & you can understand why I didn’t wish you. Sorry I was also the reason to spoil your B day happiness last year. This is the time I surely miss you on your Birthday. I may not get chance to wish you for this day. This post is the only media to send you my wishes (if you read this).

How are you? Is everything ok? How is job going on? Do you happy for what you are doing? I remember you a lot. I know where you are and what you are doing. I know you as a best smart worker & you think before you do something. Life doesn’t give what all you want at a once. It just presents the necessities. Wait for more if you are not comfortable at this point. You have awesome days ahead. I met some of our common friends. Everyone fine here. You are too lazy to share anything with your friends too. Say them Hi for a while before they forget you. Then how is Metro life? I think you are enjoying that. It was chilled sweet memories of 26 months we all spent together. I visited college yesterday. I just sat on the bench for 10 min which we were used to spend time near the gate. There are lots of questions to ask you. But you are not here to answer me now. I heard it’s too cold there. Stay warm. I know you love rain but concentrate on your Health too. Drenching leads to migraine sometimes. Take care of yourself.

It’s quite abnormal environment here. Hot, rainy & warm climate. I went for outing to dark green forest and missed you a lot. You would have never saw dancing peacock, baby elephant playing with water, snakes on the way, deer which comes near you seeking green leaves, running river & watching memorable sunset in red sky sitting on the top of the hill. You would have enjoyed the drizzling too there. I roamed a lot in rain & suffering from fever now. Tired from long journey; rock climbing and trekking. I am missing you in every step of my life & always do.

What’s special for your birthday this time? Don’t tell me about worker’s day as natural. Enjoy every bit of your life, every second & have fun as always. I always want just a smile from you. Keep smiling because you are the only one I want to say this. I will miss you on your birthday. How can I stay calm without even wishing you; dono; how to send my words? Two years of tradition starts breaking now. At-least be in touch if possible.

You are the beautiful dusk, paints the world with golden grace
You a beauty of flower, fusion the earth with fragrance
You a milky WHITE moon, spread the light in night of breeze
You my lovely star, celebrating birthday twinkling in the sky
                                                   No more words to Express
                                                            Myself, Suri

Sunday, February 27, 2011

No one is Friend Here:

My White Lily,
I am a guy who lives in imaginations all the time. World is very cruel and practical planet is uninteresting to me. Dream is an only thing I am leaving with. Dreams are my breath, voice, past, present & future. I bow to love, Humanity and obey it a lot. Nothing more in this world is as special as love. I don’t even kill an insect which suck’s the blood. My theory is every living being including trees have right to live in this earth just like us. Love is the only solution. Love is the heart of this universe. Nothing more can sustain this world better then love. I am finding the same cruelty which is like killing animal for food and fun in the people around me. There is nothing like encouragement from them. Money of course is the path for everyone. Sacrifice has no value for its own. Today’s Life is just “put into air”. Yes, everyone lives for themselves, But why not for others at the same time? Even though I don’t take anything seriously, some words hurt a lot. Truth has no value, friendship is something buried somewhere & relationship is never to remember. It’s better to stay alone in life without a word from other. Even we can lead a wonderful, enjoyable life by staying alone. If you think you are a friendly guy thinking everyone support you in future, some encouragement, love, trust then get out of that hell imaginations now. No one is friend here. If you are helpful, quite rich enough there will be crowd around you. If not even your best pal will break from you even you lived for them before. Everyone wants you to put in a pit and splash you forever. It’s Life the cruel one… if not…
I am a bad example who is suffering from this now and everyone have some day too. Love remains forever even though I am hurt, screwed, whatever the wrong thing can happen. Today I got gnaw by both love and friendship. Both treated me in the same way somehow. Nothing much is to say now.

                                                                 With Lots Of Love Still...

Monday, February 14, 2011

I never asked anything except a smile from you:

My sweet sweetie,

Love is enlightenment of life, love is unforgettable affection. Love is in roaring waterfalls, in every drop of honey in hub, flower which spreads its fragrance to this world enlighten our life. Love is the song of bees, language of birds and beauty of green forest. Love is the flower to praise the love; it’s the only jewel of life. A memory of love is sweetest in the world. Love is the only god survives the world.
In this Valentine’s Day; the celebration of love, I am missing you a lot. I would have some plans if you were here. But you made me alone this time and it goes on I think. Where ever you are and however you are, but you always remains in my heart. You are my divine goddess of this life. You are the light to show me the way. I never asked anything except a smile from you. I have made a garland of smile and love for you to present this time. You have stolen that too from my heart. You are my morning, noon, dusk, sunless nights and your memories are everything. I am aspiring to see you at this moment at any cost; it’s the only desire of my heart.
This breeze is blazing my heart now. I was cataleptic during the day roaming in sun; Nights are almost empty, sleepless just because I can’t see you. I am alienated from ocean and now like a roaming cloud which melts to this earth as rain and then join the same ocean. Will it happens to me? Never so; I just got my first SMS of today “In every Girl’s life there is a boy she never forget, in every boy’s life there is girl he can never ever get”

Happy Valentine’s Day

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I Am a Poet who forgot the words

My Fairy Fair,

I am sitting in a sea-shore where the sun is setting under my feet. I was counting the waves of this sea from an hour and I am to miss the count for every minute. The validity of reprieve from your memories is very short. You, you, you again and again; I am hesitated to think and write about you all the time but you are my evergreen, cloud of white and treasure of dreams. My mind fly in high, roam around you & your every step with an unclear picture I get for every second. What can I say in this minute; you are in every bit of mine.
You know, I am roaming in an unknown city where no one knows me here. But I saw you in this metro station this morning. Its metropolitan city where millions of people run their life and I saw you in bus terminal again: Yes, my mind is running of illusions just like Russell Crowe in ‘A Beautiful Mind’. Literally I will become blind for some time  when I see you somewhere, feel you in my heart and remember your name even for a second too. As of there is not much hope in this life; it’s true that I may have some psychological disorders. But you are a magician who made me to forget this world. I was always an Idiot who watched your every step from the dark.
You have put me under the bars of love where I cannot surface a deep breath from the normal world. It’s a nice feel you know} I think only those who are in love can enjoy this real, nice feelings.
Some nights have death silence here. I get up from sleep hearing your voice. I have no song to sing for you; I am a poet who forgot the words. Can you listen the silence which is telling everything I want to say?
Here I have a chilled puff of air which is increasing the heat of heart. You are like the effigy of ice melted down for my thirsty touch. I followed you everywhere but I lost you again. How can I express love with you? When my heart is deaf, dumb, Blind crammed by YOU inside…

                                                   From one who you doesn't like